I am Going to My First Ever Festival: How To Prepare

I am Going to My First Ever Festival: How To Prepare


Welcome to the wonderful and colorful world of music festivals, raving, concerts, and afters. We all start somewhere, and I want to give the advice that I wish I had when I just started going to these wild and electric shows.

Whether you’re a newbie festival-goer or a baby raver this is your ticket to an unforgettable experience. We are going to cover the basics - so here we go! 

  1. Get the Lowdown: Before you even purchase a ticket to a weekend event, dive deep into the festival’s social media channels and website. Follow them on Instagram, Facebook, Tiktok, etc - to stay in the loop on lineup announcements, schedule changes, and insider tips from festival staff. Plus, check out their website for any funky camping rules or festival policies you should know about. Trust me, you don’t want to get caught off guard by some weird camping regulation, which I have done, countless times. 

  2. Pack Like a Pro: Packing light is the name of the game, BUT make sure your space is beautiful for yourself. You are living here for 4-5 days, and you want to feel safe at your camp. Check out the Glamping section of Aura-Drop.com to see some fun upgrades you can get for your site. Think comfy clothes, sunscreen, a trusty water bottle (hydration is key!), and a portable charger to keep your phone alive for to find your friends. 

  3. Stay Hydrated, Stay Fueled: Let’s talk survival 101: drink water and eat food. 1 chicken strip or half a slice of cheese pizza will not be enough to keep you happy and healthy for the whole weekend. Seriously, don’t skimp on the H2O, especially if you plan on rail riding in the sun. Pack snacks to keep your energy levels up (check the food policy of the concert/festival you're going to), and don’t forget to chow down on some real food between sets. I don't care if it's cheaper to get drunk or you'll look better in pics! YOU WILL EAT A REAL NOURISHING MEAL before heading to the pit! 

  4. Safety Dance: Look out for your crew, know where the emergency exits are, and keep an eye out for shady characters. Safety first, always. And if you’re feeling off or need a hand, don’t hesitate to flag down a friendly face or a festival staffer. Keep an eye out for pick pockets too, it's unreal how many phones get stolen at these events. Keep your phone in front of you zipped, or in your hand. DO NOT put it in your back pocket. 

  5. Soak it All In: This is your time to shine, my friend! Lose yourself in the music, make new friends, and soak up every single moment. Explore different stages, discover new sounds, and let the festival vibes wash over you.

  6. Take Care of YOU: Amidst the madness, don’t forget to take care of numero uno. Take breaks when you need ‘em, try and rest, and listen to what your body’s telling you. It’s all about finding that balance, baby.

  7. Spread the Love: Festivals are all about unity, love, and spreading good vibes. Be kind, be respectful, and look out for your fellow festival fam. Share a smile, lend a hand, and leave the world a little brighter than you found it.

So, there you have it – a beginner friednly guide to your first festival. Welcome to the family, we have room for you all. <3 


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