Beyond Wonderland 2024; Things I've Learned that I Want You to Know

Beyond Wonderland 2024; Things I've Learned that I Want You to Know

If you've never been to the Gorge, I highly recommend making your way there as soon as you can! Beyond Wonderland is this weekend, and this magical music festival that promises an unforgettable experience comes with some pretty intense weather + grounds. If you're attending for the first time, you're in for a treat. With vibrant art, immersive stages, and a diverse lineup of music, there's so much to see and do. To help you make the most of your adventure at Beyond, I put together this blog / guide. Read on for tips, tricks, and essential info to ensure your first Beyond Wonderland is a fantastic one!

Before You Go

1. Tickets and Registration

  • Buy Tickets Early: If you're reading this, I am sure you have already purchased your tickets, but instead if you're trying to go next year, please note that Beyond Wonderland is a popular event, and tickets can sell out quickly. Purchase your tickets as soon as they're available. I usually do the payment plan, so it feels like a small payment each week rather than a big chunk. Girl math duh.
  • Register Your Wristband: After receiving your wristband, register it online right when you get it. This helps if it gets lost or stolen - DO NOT do it in the car on the way there. This WILL give you anxiety. (trust me ive done it) 

2. Plan Your Drive / Flight

  • Travel Arrangements: Whether you're flying or driving, make sure to plan your transportation in advance. I like to drive there through the night, so I beat traffic and get there quicker. The adrenaline of knowing I'm going to a festival keeps me and my friends awake, and it makes the drive go by much quicker!  No pressure, just something I enjoy doing.
  • Make sure you check for shuttle services if you prefer not to drive. The drive out to the Gorge is pretty intense and there are a LOT of cops. Beware of exits. My first time ever going, a cop pulled my car and ANOTHER car over at the same time for speeding, it wasn't fun, but I learned my lesson! ~ 
  • Accommodation: Book your camp spot early. Premier and Gold camping are the first to sell out. Be aware of this! I am a bit older, so decided to do Oasis this year for the Gorge. I will update afterward, is its my first time! 

3. Pack Smart

  • Festival Essentials: Pack comfortable clothing, sturdy shoes, sunscreen, a hat, and sunglasses. These can all be cute, but you'll want them. Another few items you'll want:
  • Chafe Stick
  • Slippers / slides
  • Small backpack
  • Retractable battery powered lights
  • Cute lights
  • Tapestries or curtains 
  • Moleskin / GOOD QUALITY socks. 
  • Narcan + First Aid! 
  • Outdoor / Indoor rugs
  • EZ up
  • Waterboy or Liquid IV (even if you're sober, your sleep schedule will be out of wack and you'll be in the sun - these are good to have.)
  • Check the weather forecast for Quincy, WA, in the weeks leading up to the festival. The weather can be unpredictable with temperatures ranging from the mid-60s to high 90's during the day to the low 50s at night, often with light rain and significant wind chill. Prepare for both hot days and cool nights. I bring hand warmers for the walk back, and a small pair of slippers or slides for my backpack instead of the shoes I wear in the festival, just incase of blisters.
  • Hydration Pack: Bring a refillable water bottle or hydration pack. Staying hydrated is crucial. DO NOT depend on anybody other than yourself to keep you hydrated. Keep your hydration pack full if you can at all times. This is the most important, you never think you'll be the person who gets so badly dehydrated you pass out, so be prepared! 
  • Festival Bag: A small backpack or fanny pack to carry your essentials like ID, cash, phone, and any personal items. I keep my items on my front, not my back. Beware of pick pocketers! Use this for your phone so it doesn't get stolen! 

At the Festival

1. Stay Safe

  • Buddy System: The phone service sucks - even if it says it doesn't, it does. Stick with friends and have a meeting point in case you get separated for after a set.
  • Hydrate: Drink plenty of water throughout the day. Water stations are available, so refill often. Please note! The water situation can be extremely hectic. To avoid lines that are 30+ minutes, leave a set halfway through and come back, don't wait until the set is over or else you'll be stuck with everyone else. 
  • Know Your Limits: Enjoy responsibly. Pay attention to how you're feeling and take breaks when needed. Don't be afraid to take a walk, or take 5 when you need it. The music and your friends aren't going anywhere. Communicate to your friends, we've all been there. 

2. Explore the Wonderland

  • Arrive Early: Get to the festival grounds early to avoid long lines and explore the different areas.
  • Check the Map: Familiarize yourself with the festival map. Know where the stages, restrooms, water stations, and medical tents are located.
  • Art Installations: Beyond Wonderland is known for its stunning art installations. Take some time to wander and appreciate the creativity.It really is beautiful.

3. Music and Stages

  • Lineup and Schedule: Download the festival app or grab a schedule to keep track of the artists you want to see. Plan ahead to avoid missing your favorites. Communicate with your friends who you really want to see, and who you'd be open to skipping if their favorite artist is playing at the same time. 
  • Explore New Sounds: While it's great to see your favorite artists, be open to discovering new music. Wander to different stages and experience something new.

4. Food and Drinks

  • Eat Well: This is crucial. There will be plenty of food vendors offering a variety of options. Take advantage of the diverse choices and make sure to eat regularly. ONE NUGGET IS NOT ENOUGH. Protein!!
  • Stay Hydrated: Again, drink lots of water! Avoid excessive alcohol and energy drinks. Since I know you will ignore that, just stay hydrated at the same time with water please. 

5. Capture the Memories

  • Photos and Videos: Capture moments with friends and the amazing scenery, but don’t spend all your time behind the lens. Live in the moment.

Camping Tips

1. Prepare for the Weather

  • Warm Clothing and Blankets: Beyond Wonderland gets cold at night. Bring blankets, warm clothing, and sturdy sleeping bags to stay comfortable.
  • Secure Your Tent: The wind at the Gorge is no joke. Bring stakes, weights, and tie-downs to secure your tent and belongings. Don’t underestimate the power of the wind; it can wreck your campsite.
  • Rain Gear: Pack a raincoat or poncho. While the rain can enhance the laser shows, you’ll want to stay dry and warm.

2. Comfort and Convenience

  • Lights: Bring a light you can clip to yourself or your bag to navigate at night. I use this one!  It is perfect for porta potties and your tent at night. And its adorable. 
  • Fans and Shade: Bring neck fans for the daytime heat and a pop-up tent or canopy for shade. Tapestries and clamps can help create shaded areas. This is a really awesome hack I learned: Using these  to hang your tapestries and secure them from the wind is extremely helpful. You can attach string lights to them too, so its a win-win. Genuinely a game changer. 
  • Portable Shower: A solar camp shower can be handy if lines at the official showers are long. Bring shower shoes and soap sheets. A shower caddy is awesome here. 
  • Cooler with Dry Ice: A cooler with dry ice can keep your food and drinks cold for nearly the entire festival. Otherwise, expect long lines at the general store for ice. I think its like $12-14. 

3. Food and Snacks

  • Camping Stove: No open fires are allowed, so bring a camping stove and easy-to-cook meals. Instant noodles, meal replacement shakes, and electrolytes are great for quick nourishment to get your protein in. 
  • Pickles and Snacks: Pickles are excellent for dehydration and hangovers. Bring plenty of snacks, including something fun like donuts or orange slices for your neighbors is cute and fun. Watermelon is a huge hit. 
  • Cooking Supplies: Collapsible water jugs, a small pot for boiling water, and utensils for cooking and eating.

4. Health and Hygiene

  • Basic Medical Supplies: Bring basic first aid supplies and any personal medications. Avoid relying on the medical tent for simple needs; it can be very busy. Please bring Narcan. Even if you don't partake in party favors, you never know who around you might. 
  • Hand Sanitizer and Wipes: These are essential for staying clean in a festival environment.
  • Ear Plugs: Invest in high-quality ear plugs to protect your hearing. I go for the Loop brand. Festivals can be very loud, and ear plugs will help you enjoy the music safely without hurting your brain later! 

5. Stay Connected and Powered Up

  • Walkie Talkies: These can be a great way to stay in touch with friends if cell service is spotty. Last year it was pretty bad! 
  • Power Banks: Bring power banks  + solar phone chargers to keep your devices charged. Solar-powered chargers and lanterns can be very useful, I have a few options here.

Additional Tips

1. Respect the Festival Grounds

  • Leave No Trace: Dispose of your trash properly and respect the environment. Help keep Beyond Wonderland beautiful.
  • Be Kind: Treat fellow festival-goers, staff, and volunteers with kindness and respect. You never know what they're going through, this could be their safe space. 

2. Emergency Information

  • Medical Assistance: Know where the medical tents are located. Don't hesitate to seek help if you or someone else needs it.
  • Lost and Found: If you lose something, check the festival's lost and found area.

3. Stay Informed

  • Festival Updates: Follow Beyond Wonderland's official social media accounts and check their website for any last-minute updates or changes.

Attending Beyond Wonderland for the first time is an incredible experience that you’ll remember for years to come. With these tips in mind, you’re ready to go on a magical journey filled with music, art, and unforgettable moments. Have an amazing time, stay safe, and welcome to Wonderland!

For more tips, follow me on IG! @auradrop25 or @elleissupercool

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